
Your partner

for international


Deutsche Post International is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer focus and service quality. This new e-magazine gives you insights and information to help you reach your international customers even more effectively.


Your partner

for international


Deutsche Post International is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer focus and service quality. This new e-magazine gives you insights and information to help you reach your international customers even more effectively.

Welcome to the Deutsche Post International’s Crossing Borders Magazine! This new magazine covers the latest about the German and international e-commerce market. It will introduce you to services that help your lightweight logistics and provide you with insights into effective dialogue marketing techniques.

In this issue we explain why dialogue marketing is so important in the German market; we answer your questions about Deutsche Post International and services we provide; and give you an overview of our lightweight packet solutions. We’ll also give you the lowdown on the fully customised solution we created for office stationery giant Office Depot.

We hope you enjoy our new E-magazine and look forward to hearing your feedback!


Deutsche Post International
Sales Europe

about us


How to enter and succeed in the German market

The hidden value inside international packets

Taking care of Office Depot’s business