Digidolce #48

Dear Dolce Ambassadors,

With summer in its final month, it is time to take a moment to look back at the successful Dolce Petanque event and look ahead to the exciting fairs and trips ahead. Our digimagazine offers a wealth of information on this, so please feel free to browse through it and bring yourself back fully up to date.

The Dolce Petanque event was a real pleasure and a highlight of this summer. We were delighted to see how all of you were involved and enjoyed the game. The smiles, enthusiasm and team spirit made it an unforgettable experience. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to its success.
But our journey does not stop here. We already have exciting plans for the coming months. Our focus now shifts to upcoming trade shows and trips, where we can discover new opportunities, make connections and increase our influence as Dolce ambassadors. More information can be found in our digimagazine.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and take the time to peruse our digimagazine. It's an excellent resource to keep abreast of what's going on within Dolce. From cutting-edge projects to inspiring stories, you're sure to be inspired by the content.

We want to thank all of you for your dedication and commitment as Dolce ambassadors. Together we continue to grow and prosper, and we look forward to creating many more great memories in the months ahead.

Kind regards,

Ilse Duponcheel en Jan De Kimpe